Christian Living

When nothing will stand still #3: Reflections on Hebrews 12

Over the last months, Emma shared how she was feeling when life suddenly changed with Covid-19, and her plan to go back to a familiar passage. Here is the next episode…

#3: Hebrews 12:3
Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.


For the Hebrew believers who had (or were) experiencing hostility (Heb 10:32ff), remembering Jesus’ suffering would have given them courage. How, in this day, does considering Jesus’ suffering help us to not grow weary or fainthearted? Today, I do feel weary and fainthearted. Weary from change. Weary from uncertainty. Weary from trying to manage my own emotions. Fainthearted because we are saying goodbye to our church family as we change jobs, with no other church family yet to join. Fainthearted because we tried to make the best decision we could with the information we had, and yet… How does considering the trials and suffering that Jesus endured help me? In one sense, he could have walked away and left us – me. But he didn’t. From the glory of heaven to being despised by his creatures, so far has the Lord Jesus loved us. It doesn’t take away the exhaustion or promise that tomorrow will be OK, but it is testimony to his faithful, determined love.