Christian Living

When nothing will stand still #2: Reflections on Hebrews 12

Back in April, Emma shared how she was feeling when life suddenly changed with Covid-19, and her plan to go back to a familiar passage. Here is the next episode of her raw reflections on Hebrews 12…

… looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.


I have kept pushing my thoughts back to this verse all day: the richness of Hebrews 1-10 echoes through it.

1. We run the race ‘looking to Jesus’… not anywhere else. It seems to me, this is harder to do than you would think!
2. We look to Jesus not only because of his example of enduring suffering knowing that glory would follow, but because of his victory. He is currently sitting in glory… now. Today.
3. Jesus despised the shame of the cross, but he endured it because he knew the joy of being restored to his Father’s right hand. A life perfectly lived, ended by a curse, hung on a tree. That shame ought to have been mine, but it’s not. The joy of glory, of victory, belongs to Jesus, the King, but his people will enjoy it too.