Christian LivingMinistry

The washup from lockdown: What can we pray for our churches?

We don’t need to talk to too many church pastors to see that the last two years have been extraordinarily difficult. Of course, there have also been many blessings – and we know that God is always at work for his glory and the good of his people. So as our churches begin their third year under COVID, the ACR thought it would be helpful for us to begin the year by praying for one another.

The Sydney Anglican Diocese is a fellowship of churches partnering together in the gospel for the glory and Kingdom of our great God. There are many ways in which we can and should express this fellowship, and one great way is by praying for one another.

Over the next few weeks, the ACR will be sharing prayer points from various church pastors from within the Sydney Anglican Diocese. Will you join me in praying for these churches? What better way to express our fellowship as churches than by mimicking Paul in his relationship with the Philippian church, always praying with joy for all of you in my every prayer (Phil 1:3-5).

In Christ,
Mike Leite
ACR Editor

Campbelltown Anglican Churches

As we looked ahead last November into this year, we reflected upon how Christ’s love compels us to keep serving him in these complicated times. For, as 2 Corinthians 5:14-16 reminded us, One died for all, then all died. And He died so those who live should not live for themselves but for the One who died. So please pray that it is Christ’s love for us that compels us to serve him in 2022.

Please pray that we continue to preach Christ faithfully in all that we do. Pray for our churches at St Andrew’s in Airds, St Peter’s in Campbelltown and the Macarthur Indigenous Church in Wedderburn, that each would welcome people well as they come amongst us seeking hope in these times of COVID-19. Pray that the gospel may bring salvation for these people as they join us in church services, kids’ ministries, in our parish schools, through our care ministries and all the various ways we connect with our community.

Please pray also for all the saints who faithfully continue to meet, that each may grow in their love and knowledge of the Lord and come to full maturity as Christ’s ambassadors in this part of the world. Pray that COVID would ease so that most can return to church physically soon. Finally, please pray for our ministry staff team as they oversee some restructuring of our church and seek to shepherd Christ’s people well through these complicated times.

May Christ’s love for us continue to compel the Campbelltown Anglian Churches to serve him in our lovely part of the world!

Thank you,
Jason Veitch