A few of the ACR team share some top picks for a Jesus-focused Easter.
Lionel Windsor: The ‘Crucifixion’ episode on The Rest is History
This one isn’t for everyone—but it may well be for you if you’re having conversations with friends about the historical basis for the accounts of Jesus’ life and especially his death on the cross. The very popular The Rest Is History podcast a few years ago did an episode on crucifixion: the broader historical context of crucifixion, the accounts of Jesus’ crucifixion in the Gospels, and the major impact Jesus’ death had on the Roman world. Neither presenter is a professing Christian. On the one hand, this can be advantage if you want to share something with friends who are overly skeptical and suspicious of Christians. On the other hand, it means sometimes they’re a little too skeptical about some elements of the story (e.g. Pontius Pilate’s role). But overall, it’s very positive and helpful! It won’t replace sharing the gospel directly. But it’s a great conversation starter and might help to move in that direction.
Joc Loane: Resurrection Eggs
Our family loves using ‘Resurrection Eggs’ at Easter. This is a set of 12 plastic eggs that contain objects that help tell the Easter story. We open one a day in the lead up to Easter Sunday. They include objects like a toy donkey, a palm branch and a cup. The last egg is empty to signify the empty tomb. You can buy a set or make your own.
Bron Windsor: A Countdown to Easter Calendar
Adorable pictures, simple words, a QR code on each card that takes you to a YouTube video and a few questions for different ages to talk about Easter—this is a wonderful resource for children. It was created by my friend Alison after her Christmas Advent series of cards was so well received.
What I really like about this resource is that it doesn’t just end with Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Day, or even with Jesus’ ascension; it ends with his second coming. And not only does it end with the second coming, but it also explains that Jesus is coming back to judge the world and take his people to be with him forever.
That is our hope: finally, justice in our world (what an amazing thought!) brought by the one who also rescues.
Kirsten McKinlay: Tim Chester’s Our Radiant Redeemer
This Lent devotional book focuses on the transfiguration of Jesus as a window onto so many important gospel truths in the approach to Good Friday and Easter Sunday. The book has 47 daily reflections, split into weeks that match up with the weeks of Lent. The transfiguration brings together so many key truths in our faith—like how the old and new covenants are inseparable, the cross and the glory are one, and our human nature has a destiny of glory. Don’t worry about starting the book ‘late’ or falling behind; this will be an encouraging read whenever you come to it.
I can also vouch for the Countdown to Easter Calendar after just buying a set of cards—they are great!