ACR Journal

Review: The Mission Before Us

You are an Anglican from Sydney? Get this book. Read it carefully. Read it prayerfully. If it is aimed at you, do something about it.

And it is aimed at all of us.
Think of it this way. When we go to CMS Summer School, we are rightly delighted to meet the new missionaries and become aware that we are part of a movement of world mission. This book challenges us to recognise that, more than ever, we are living in a mission field right here, and that we all need to be a part of the work of praying for and raising up Christian workers to win the lost and build up the churches under God. We cannot be complacent.

There are times when we have to be especially discerning of what the Lord has done and is doing. He has set us in the midst of a great part of his creation with a rapidly growing population from all over the world. He has enriched us with financial resources. He has asked us to preach and live the gospel. And at this very moment we are beset by a shortage of workers, both men and women.

Five years ago that was not the case. Now it is. Let us call on the Lord to send us the people we need. We have a long tradition of training and employ- ing men and women in the work of the Lord. Let us take it up again.

The Lord has gifted us with excel- lent opportunities for training, pre- eminently at Moore College. If we understand our own identity, especially through the history of our Diocese, we will see that this is no accident, but is the result of the labours of the genera- tions before us. Likewise, the work that has been done to evangelise and equip young people has been extraordinary. We thank God for this and for many other blessings which he has given us.

I am very glad indeed that the ACR has published this challenge. It is made up of nineteen brief chapters written by leaders of our churches and institutions. It sets out the foundations of the summons to ministry in Sydney, the challenge that lies before us, and the wisdom we need to know what we must do about it.

I am immediately praying that the Lord will continue to send us the right people and that we will recognise them, challenge them, cherish them, equip them and use them in his service.

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